Be Internet Awesome

June 12, 2021 0 Comments

Be Internet Awesome help kids learn to explore the internet safely and confidently, with fun, engaging activities that teach best practices and responsible digital citizenship.

The Internet Code of Awesome

  • Be internet smart – Share with Care
  • Be internet alert – Don’t fall for Fake
  • Be internet strong – Secure your Secrets
  • Be internet kind – It’s cool to the Kind
  • Be internet brave – When in Doubt, Talk it Out

Play Interland

Kids can play their way to being Internet Awesome with Interland, an online adventure that puts the key lessons of digital safety into hands-on practice with four challenging games.

Be Internet Awesome Curriculum

Educators teaching online safety in the classroom can download lesson plans that have received the ISTE Seal of Alignment and classroom activities that bring the fundamental lessons to life.

Be Internet Awesome Pledge

Parents driving the online safety conversation at home can encourage the entire family to get on the same page by reviewing the fundamentals and taking this pledge together.

Content developed and delivered by Google Education.

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