K–12 STEM Lesson Plans from MIT Haystack Observatory

June 18, 2021 0 Comments

At Haystack, researchers use several basic science concepts every day. Electromagnetic waves, optics, and molecular chemistry are just a few of the core topics that can be incorporated into the high school science curriculum by exploring the atmosphere and the universe with lessons focused around the research specialties at Haystack.

The lesson plans presented were developed by teachers, with the assistance of the staff at MIT/Haystack. These lessons have been prepared with specific attention to the goals and objectives of science curricula. All lesson plans have been successfully used in high school classrooms.

Space Technology

MIT Haystack Observatory does research on astronomy, geodesy, geospace and space technology.

The objective to create lessons is to enhance the scientific thinking in topics that matter to future research opportunities. The development of these educational materials at the Haystack Observatory was funded by the National Science Foundation under the Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) program.

Small Radio Telescope (SRT)

Small Radio Telescope (SRT) was developed by Haystack Observatory to serve as an educational tool for schools, colleges and universities for teaching astronomy and radio technology.

The Small Radio Telescope(SRT) plans and manuals are available for educators and students.  SRT is designed by Dr. Alan Rogers of Haystack Observatory. For more information please see the SRT page.

Find out more about MIT Haystack Observatory, here.

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