July 29, 2021 0 Comments

The AI4K12 – Artificial Intelligence (AI) for K-12 initiative (AI4K12) is developing

  • national guidelines for AI education for K-12,
  • an online, curated resource Directory to facilitate AI instruction,
  • a community of practitioners, researchers, resource and tool developers focused on the AI for K-12 audience. 

The AI for K-12 guidelines are organized around the 5 Big Ideas in AI. The guidelines will serve as a framework to assist standards writers and curricula developers on AI concepts, essential knowledge, and skills by grade band. The AI4K12 draft guidelines are organized in K-12 grade band progression charts and are available in the Guidelines menu for Big Idea 1Big Idea 2, and Big Idea 3.

The Resources page offers a well curated list of books, curriculum materials, course outlines, software, videos, and more. The list also includes professional development courses for educators to learn about AI.

AI4K12 is jointly sponsored by AAAI and CSTA and have team/board members from diverse fields.

Check out the following AI4K12 to learn more about this initiative.

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