Machine Learning Crash Course

May 31, 2021 0 Comments

Google’s Machine Learning free crash course features 30+ exercises, 25 lessons, 15 hours of content, lectures from Google researchers, real-world case studies, interactive visualizations and more.

Google runs a wide range of AI projects, including Tensorflow, AdaNet, Deepmind, Open Images Database and many more. Google-owned YouTube uses deep neural networks to recommend videos to over 2 billion users and Google search uses AI-driven search results.

Machine Learning Crash Course from Google researchers

The course content is designed in such a way that each module has a combination of video lectures, playground exercises, text lessons and programming exercises.  The video lectures are short and crisp. The text lessons mainly transcribe the video lessons.

Google ML course will help to understand good use-cases, when to use AI, and how to implement it.

Machine Learning Crash Course from Google

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