Creating Cultural Competency

November 4, 2021 0 Comments

Creating cultural competency is essential on college campuses, in our communities and in the workplace.

Creating cultural competency book was written to provide an introduction to cultural competence. The book is broken into video chapters that focus on the five developmental orientations of cultural competence, based on the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI). The videos utilize voices of how students define and create cultural competence in their communities. These videos are appropriate for high school and college campus initiatives and classes, organization, and community training.

Margaret Miller Butcher, assistant professor of communication at the University of Arkansas, and Jackie Mosley, professor of human development and family sciences in the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food, and Life Science’s School of Human Environmental Sciences, created this set of videos exploring student notions of cultural competency to help move them along a continuum from monocultural to intercultural mindsets, based on the Intercultural Development Inventory.

The videos and accompanying video guide are now available as Open Educational Resources. They are free to use for diversity, equity and inclusion training in classrooms that focus on social justice topics and in a variety of community contexts.

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