DAILy-AI Curriculum

June 24, 2021 0 Comments

The Daily-AI workshop, designed by MIT educators and experienced facilitators, features hands-on and computer-based activities on AI concepts, ethical issues in AI, creative expression using AI, and how AI relates to your future.

The curriculum explores training and using machine learning to make predictions, investigate bias in machine learning applications, use generative adversarial networks to create novel works of art, and learn to recognize the AI you interact with daily and in the world around you.

Everyone will be impacted by AI in daily life and in the workplaces of the future. It is critical for all students to have a fundamental knowledge of AI and to understand AI’s potential for good and harm. The Daily-AI program will jumpstart your readiness for AI and give you the tools you need to prepare for the AI-enabled world.

Find out more about DAILy Curriculum, here.

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