Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Hub

January 20, 2022 0 Comments

The FLN Hub aims to support education actors and strengthen systems to deliver learning for children by offering guides, tools, and resources that increase knowledge on FLN challenges and approaches.

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The FLN Hub supports building capacity and help strengthen systems for children’s learning success. It offers –

The Capacity Builder includes a capacity review tool to assess the capacity to deliver and proposed recommendations and tools to address delivery challenges. (Registration is required to access the Capacity Builder)

‍Learning resources in the form of guidance documents, tools and videos will help strengthen understanding and delivery of FLN interventions.

The Evidence Menu provides evidence-based approaches to improve FLN.

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The FLN Hub focus area includes-

Early Childhood Education, Formative Assessments, Teaching at the Right Level, Language of Instruction, Parental Engagement and Digital Learning.

Find out more about FLN Hub.

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