Greenfoot – Learn object orientation with JAVA

July 20, 2021 2 Comments

Greenfoot teaches object orientation with Java. Create ‘actors’ which live in ‘worlds’ to build games, simulations, and other graphical programs.

Greenfoot programs are written in standard Java, one of the primary languages in academia and industry. Concepts learned transfer directly to programming in subsequent environments. It is used by thousands of institutions around the world and provides an easy transition into other professional IDEs environments.

The interface is a full IDE which includes project management, auto-completion, syntax highlighting, and other tools common to most IDEs. It also allows you to publish your work both on and offline. Greenfoot makes the environment easy enough to use for beginners, and Java makes it powerful enough to write impressive, flexible and sophisticated applications.

Greenfoot is a project in the Programming Education Tools Group, part of the Computing Education Research Group at the School of Computing, University of Kent in Canterbury, UK. The Greenfoot Team currently includes Michael Kölling, Ian Utting, Davin McCall, Neil Brown, Philip Stevens and Michael Berry.

Find out more about Greenfoot, here.

2 thoughts on “Greenfoot – Learn object orientation with JAVA”

  1. Pingback: BlueJ
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