Machine Learning for Kids

June 8, 2021 0 Comments

Machine Learning for Kids is a  free tool that introduces machine learning by providing hands-on experiences for training machine learning systems and building things with them.

It provides an easy-to-use guided environment for training machine learning models to recognise text, numbers, images, or sounds.

ML for Kids by Dale Lane

The tool is entirely web-based and requires no installs or complicated setup to be able to use.

It was designed for use in the classroom by schools and volunteer-run coding groups for children, and provides an admin page for teachers or group leaders to be able to manage and administer access for their students.

It is being built by Dale Lane using APIs from IBM Watson.

Machine Learning for Kids : A Project-Based Introduction to Artificial Intelligence is a new book to accompany the site.

The book is a guided hands-on and practical introduction to how artificial intelligence impacts our lives. It includes step-by-step instructions for making a variety of machine learning-powered projects in Scratch and explains how they each relate to real-world AI applications.

Several projects dive deeper into particular aspects of how machine learning is applied, including recreating some of the most common mistakes made in AI, and learning about the different ways that the performance of machine learning systems can be measured and described.

Finally, the book ends by recreating examples of biased machine learning systems and discusses the AI ethics issues that they raise.

Find out more about the book here.

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