Neuroscience and the Classroom: Making Connections

June 7, 2021 0 Comments

Neuroscience & the Classroom: Making Connections brings together researchers and educators in a dialog about how insights into brain function can be harnessed by teachers for use in their own classrooms to address their own particular challenges. Course components include 42 video segments interwoven with an online text and other useful resources on a comprehensive website. 

Neuroscience & the Classroom: Making Connections was designed for K–12 teachers, other educators, researchers, and adult learners who want to learn more about current issues in education. It is a self-contained distance-learning course distributed free of charge on the Web. 

 Course developed and delivered by Annenberg Learner.

Annenberg Learner funds and distributes educational video programs – with coordinated online and print materials – for the professional development of K-12 teachers. K-12 educators, students, and lifelong learners may access Annenberg Learner resources for free at

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