Reach Every Reader

June 23, 2021 0 Comments

Reach Every Reader is a collaboration across Harvard, MIT, and the Florida Center for Reading Research, supported by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. The project aims to bring a number of literacy strands together to create a support system that enables every child to become a strong, confident reader.

The work focuses on adult capacity building strand, helping parents and teachers of pre-readers understand what they can do, and what they are already doing, to build a strong literacy foundation in their children.

Reach Every Reader is designing technology-supported experiences that bring adults and children together to enrich their book reading experiences and everyday conversations with practices like dialogic reading, future talk, and other conversational approaches that research has shown contribute to early literacy skills.

They have built, tested, and validated three apps to promote pre-literacy skills through dialogue and playful interactions between children and parents/caregivers.  These apps were developed in collaboration with FableVision and GBH and released by the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

  1. Animal Antics
  2. Photo Play
  3. Small Wonders

Download apps at

CBM at Home designed to help parents and educators understand a child’s risk for developing reading difficulties in the future is also available. It includes short, timed tests that measure important early reading skills for K-2 aged children.

Find out more about Reach Every Reader, here.

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